Wavy Wall

This sculpture was created by starting with a single period of a sine wave at the base, and superimposing smaller sinusoidal curves on that in stages as the surface evolved upward. This wasn't done in a rigorous manner, so that the resulting form is fractal, but only in a loose sense. A soda ash firing was performed that led to a very different appearance to the glaze on the two sides of the sculpture. It measures 9" x 6" x 3", and was completed in 2015.

Hyperbolic fractal ceramic sculpture based on sine curves.

Hyperbolic fractal ceramic sculpture based on sine curves, second view. Hyperbolic fractal ceramic sculpture based on sine curves, third view.

Click on the smaller photo to see a larger version.
$300 This piece has a small crack in the rim.

Copyright 2015 Robert Fathauer
